From School Library Journal PreSÃDuck and Goose are searching for a pumpkinlike the one their friend Thistle has. They look unsuccessfully in a hollowlog, in a pile of bright autumn leaves, and in an apple tree. They even lookunder the water and on top of a stump before Thistle suggests that they lookin the pumpkin patch. On the final spread, they are shown carrying a largepumpkin between them, and Goose says, "We sure know how to find a pumpkin,Duck," and Duck agrees. This appealing story is told in simple, well-chosenwords and illustrated with uncluttered oil paintings done in autumn colors.Signs of the season are everywhere. Dark red apples have fallen to the ground,a lone acorn sits on a tree stump, and orange leaves lay lightly on the grassunder a pellucid blue sky. Preschoolers on their annual pilgrimage to thelocal pumpkin patch will identify with Goose and Duck.ÃMary Jean Smith,Southside Elementary School, Lebanon, TN Copyright © Reed BusinessInformation, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Read moreAbout the Author Tad Hills is the author and illustrator of the ALA NotableBook Duck & GooseÃcalled Ãexpressiveà and Ãadorableà in a starred review fromKirkus ReviewsÃand Duck, Duck, Goose, both New York Times bestsellers. HisDuck & Goose boardbooks include the ALA Notable Book WhatÃs Up, Duck?, Duck &Goose 1, 2, 3 and Duck & Goose: How Are You Feeling? He is also theillustrator of Waking Up Wendell, My Fuzzy Friends, and Knock, Knock, WhoÃsThere? Tad lives in Brooklyn with his wife, their two children, and a dog (whowill soon star in a book of his own!). Read more